The Resume

If you’re like me, updating your resume can seem to be a menial task. Why look at it when you already have a job? Well, there’s a reason for it and we’re going to cover that right now!

Resumes are an important part of your communication to the business saying that you are open to doing something more than now, and hopefully better too. You may love your job but you might find something nicer and your resume will help get your foot in the door. Your resume should always but kept up to date so that those interviewing can know what you are capable of and what you have been up to. These people have taken and interest in you and want to know what you’re about.

I recently was in a meeting and realized that I have updated my resume in three whole years. For many, that may not seem like much but in the past three years, not only have I been promoted but I have also been handed more responsibilities and taken on many side projects to build my portfolio. I looked at my old resume and wanted to throw it in the trash! I completely started from scratch to get a fresh look at it and it seemed a daunting task; what was important to my resume and what wasn’t?

As I thought back on what I have accomplished in those last three years and the things before then, I decided to put what was most pertinent to my future. I had to decide what type of job I was looking for and what goals I had personally. I thought to myself I would put down what shows my leadership qualities and focus on the extra experience I have to show that I have many skillsets that could be applied in many areas. I put down a couple of other achievements and my education and would you look at it, it is now nice clean and shows what I can do.

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