Is Cheeto For Real Tho?

I would like to show the design points of one of my favorite Cheeto ads and I hope you enjoy. The ad was made by David Law and it is one of three he made for Cheeto.


It took a while for me to find contrast in this but after a long hard look, I found it. Not only in the Logo do you have black and then yellow/orange but also the Cheeto itself has glasses and a sweet ‘stache drawn on. It might not seem completely different but it’s close enough.



Aside from just repetition in color, we can look at the font and style of alignment. The font is consistent throughout the whole ad. The question and the answer also follow a pattern of movement diagonally.


There is a border to the left as well as one on the bottom. Also a movement from left to right diagonally. This movement brings your eyes down to the Cheetos logo in the corner.


The question is grouped together and the answer is as well. They are grouped together next to the Cheeto as if to say, “he said this cheesy pick-up line.” The bottom is also together to show that Cheetos are the cheesiest.


They used Analogous colors to fit within they’re logo so you already get a Cheetos feel. The Orange and red tell you this is Cheetos like yellow and red say McDonalds.

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